

Speaker 1

MASCARIMIRI is a bright star on the pizzica pizzica sky world music scene which shines not only in the italian context but also in the international one, thanks to the unique and original sound created in 25 years of "Tradinnovazione" - the concept of electro world music par excellence conceived by Claudio "Cavallo" Giagnotti, the musician-producer from Salento with gypsy origins, leader and founder of the band in activity since 1998.

Embodying the union between tradition and innovation, the band has always been at the forefront of sound experimentation, showing off a powerful and engaging sound enriched by sounds from the entire Gypsy-Mediterranean area.

The live show conceived for the 2023 tour is a mix of sounds: "Lu Tamburreddhu" collides with electronic beats, electric guitar riffs or Punk-Tarantolato mandolin, an instrument that has always characterized the band's sound and that echoes of the Mediterranean psychedelic. With thirteen studio albums to their credit and a top-level concert activity, the Mascarimiri rewrite the tradition remaining the most innovative formation among the Pizzica Pizzica Salentina groups.